Surgical Tretment Options in Slip Disc

Surgery is required in about 1 in 10 cases of a slipped disc. It may be considered if:
•there is evidence of severe nerve compression
•your symptoms have not improved using other treatments
•you are having difficulty standing or walking
•you have very severe symptoms, such as progressive muscle weakness or altered bladder function
The aim of surgery is to cut away the piece of the disc that bulges out. This is known as a discectomy and it can be done in several ways.

Surgical variations in Sciatica Surgery in India
(i) Open discectomy :- An open discectomy is a procedure to remove part or all of the slipped disc. It will be carried out under anaesthetic (painkilling medication). An incision is made in your spine and the disc is removed. (ii) Prosthetic intervertebral disc replacement:- Prosthetic intervertebral disc replacement involves having a prosthetic (artificial) disc inserted into your back to replace the slipped disc.An incision is made in your spine and the damaged disc is either partially or completely removed. A replacement disc is then inserted into the space.
One study found that 87% of people felt their quality of life had improved three months after having a prosthetic intervertebral disc replacement. However, as the procedure is still quite new, long-term results are not yet available.
(iii) Endoscopic laser discectomy: A small incision will be made to gain access to the spine and an endoscope will be used to view the disc. An endoscope is a long, thin, flexible tube with a light and camera at one end.
The procedure is performed under either local anaesthetic or general anaesthetic, depending on where in your spine your slipped disc is.   After the incision has been made, the compressed nerve that is causing you pain will be released and part of your disc will be removed with a laser.
One study found 67% of people could move around more easily six months after having endoscopic laser surgery, and around 30% needed less pain relieving medication. Around 2-4% of people needed another operation. Another study reported that after having endoscopic laser surgery, on average, people returned to work after seven weeks. As endoscopic laser surgery is still a relatively new procedure, it is often only performed with special arrangements - for example, as part of a clinical trial (a type of medical research that tests one type of treatment against another). 

Recovery after Sciatica attack:-

For most people with severe symptoms of a slipped disc, back surgery helps to ease their symptoms.
You will usually be able to return to work after 2-6 weeks. However, the surgery does not work for everyone, and you may need to have further operations and treatment if the initial surgery is not effective.

Side Effects of Surgery in Sciatica Treatment:-

Possible complications resulting from surgery may include:
•nerve injury
•haemorrhage (severe bleeding)
•temporary dysaesthesia (impaired sense - for example, losing the sense of touch)
Before having surgery, you should ask your surgeon whether you are at risk of developing complications and how long it will take to recover. You may be given a rehabilitation programme to follow.

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