How Slip Disc/Lumbar Disc Herniation/Herniated Disc develops:-
Slip Disc or herniated Disc is commonly called a ruptured disc.
What is Disc:
Back of our body is made of Vertebral Column( also called reedh ki haddi or merudanda). In between the Column spinal cord passes and connects our body with the Brain.
In between the vertebras of Vertebral Column, there are cushion which are called Disc. The outer part of the disc, the annulus fibrosus, protects the inner part, and a gel-like substance called nuclear pulposus.
Back of our body is made of Vertebral Column( also called reedh ki haddi or merudanda). In between the Column spinal cord passes and connects our body with the Brain.
In between the vertebras of Vertebral Column, there are cushion which are called Disc. The outer part of the disc, the annulus fibrosus, protects the inner part, and a gel-like substance called nuclear pulposus.
How Slip Disc develops:
This occurs if the nuclear pulposus leaks through the annulus fibrosus and compresses the nerve passing nearby . Symptoms of a herniated disc include severe back pain, numbness in legs and muscle spasms. You can easily understand by the following photographs that how disc is bulged and starts pressing sciatic nerve. These images clearly depict the pressing of nerve by the disc.
Why Disc damage or herniation happens all of a sudden:-
No, No, No.
Slip Disc never develops overnight. Although you may think that suddenly you have got the disease but it is medical established fact that the patient who sustains a disc herniation( or slip disc) have a a history of acute low back pain with or without sciatic radiation.
Due to wrong posture, prologned sitting and pressure on the discs the annulus fibrous(Outer layer of the disc weakens) and inner soft tissue comes out. Therfore the root cause of herniation is frequent and repeated stress prior to acute onset which has already made the disc(annulus fibrous) weak. When it becomes weak, a minimal stress applied on the disc leads the nuclear material(soft tissue of Disc) to herniate.
It is also termed as disc degeneration, rupture, slipping, bulging, and herniation to explain all symptoms of pain in the low back.
Disc Herniation of the nuclear material may result from excessive forces, repeated stresses, and prolonged tension on the hydraulic mechanism or the presence of a faulty annulus, but any combination of the above may be involved.
Lumbar disc herniation commonly known as Slip Disc is a disease entity. The term herniation, or rupture, is more explainable and understandable in a mechanical sense than the term slipped. Bulging of the disc is also an accepted term. It is sufficient to say that the term used is of less importance than the realization of what is happening. It is much more significant to know the where and what of the disc herniation that is causing the symptoms, the why of the consequent treatment, and the when if there is a need for surgical intervention. The complete why or the course of the disc rupture is not yet understood fully.
How it is caused
At what age it is caused
Reasons of Herniated Disc
Diagnosis of Herniated Disc
Treatment of Herniated Disc
Prognosis of Herniated Disc
What is Spine and Disc :
Our back is composed on the backbone, also known as spine(Reedh ki haddi). It is one of the most important structure on which our body becomes straight. Our spine contains 26 vertebrae. Between each vertebra, there is a disc which serves as a shock absorber allowing to bend forward or back. The outer part of the disc, the annulus fibrosus, protects the inner part, and a gel-like substance called nuclear pulposus.
Our back is composed on the backbone, also known as spine(Reedh ki haddi). It is one of the most important structure on which our body becomes straight. Our spine contains 26 vertebrae. Between each vertebra, there is a disc which serves as a shock absorber allowing to bend forward or back. The outer part of the disc, the annulus fibrosus, protects the inner part, and a gel-like substance called nuclear pulposus.

In the sitting position the lumbar spine becomes forward-flexed,
Having low back pain can change the color of your day, especially if it is chronic. There are some simple relief measures you can take to decrease your discomfort, such as correcting your posture can help immeasurably. Poor posture contributes to low back pain, and can also impact your health. Below are some tips to help you get some much needed relief
The onset of sciatica is sudden and starting from a low back pain in the lumbosacral region and causes spasm that immobilizes trunk function and the patient is unable to bend or to arise without spasm and pain.
In a large percentage of patients, pain is felt in the lower area of the back and simultaneously along the leg. Pain may be felt as a sensation of aching or "spasm" in the anterior upper thigh area. The spine splints into an antalgic posture (flattening of the lordosis), movement becomes restricted, and usually an acute functional scoliosis develops.
In the evolution of the mechanism of disc herniation, the various factors in the patient’s pain history can be linked. Repeated minor trauma, with no sciatic pain but with resultant low back pains, may well have been the episodes that gradually weakened the annulus. These repeated strains may be a series of strains from the lifting of heavy objects or may be acute facet impingements from minor physical activities. They may have been innocuous lifting or bending incidents but there was a mild structural back defect in the person who performed them. All of these have the ability to set the stage for ultimate disc herniation producing subjective and objective signs and symptoms.

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